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Aristotle's short story

 Aristotle's short story The famous conqueror Alexander the Great praised his teacher Aristotle, saying, "If Aristotle survives, thousands of Alexanders will be ready, but thousands of Alexanders together will not be able to give birth to an Aristotle."  My father is the elder who brought me from heaven to earth, but my teacher is the great elder who took me from earth to heaven. Aristotle taught Alexander the Great that "every human being is a servant of God and everyone has an innate right to live a dignified life." Never forget Short biography Aristotle was born in 384 BC in Astagra, Macedonia. His father was a physician in the royal court. Aristotle received his early education (medicine, philosophy and biology) from his father. He lost his mother's shadow as a child. When he was ten years old, his father also died. At the age of 18 he moved to Athens, then the center of learning and wisdom. Alexander the Great's father Felix was king of Macedonia a...

United kingdom history facts

 United Kingdom                   Flag The United Kingdom is the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), which is generally known as the United Nations (United Kingdom) or Britain (Britain), is a country of North-West Europe. This island is spread over the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland on different islands.                                                                              Signal                                  Map   The P...